I really like the lesson plan templates we use in my school (Jan Richardson), but the form didn't serve my OCD needs for charting the kids' strategy use. So I created a chart and inserted it into the lesson plan template. Each time I see a student use a strategy, I check it on the chart. Also, each time I prompt a student to try a strategy , I mark that as well. When I look back over the plans, I can quickly see which strategies are being used well and which ones I need to address again. I t really helps me keep track of my students' progress and gives me great info for planning new lessons.
Here is the chart in a couple of editable forms so you can copy and paste it into your guided reading form, put in whatever strategies you teach, and add kids' names. Or you can just create a quick little chart when you make your lesson plan - easy peasy:)

Wow...thanks for this check list! I love it.
ReplyDeleteAnd for linking up twice.
Thinking of Teaching
Oooh, I love this idea!