promo box 1 green

promo box 2 yellow

promo pic 3 blue

Do you Understand? Umm, I think so...

Our school is moving towards standards based report cards next year.  I had no idea what a contentious and multi-faceted subject this was until I put a 'what are your thoughts on standards based reporting?' post on my FB page.
Oh my gosh, there are a million ways to do standards based reporting!  Some love it, some hate it, and some have, at least, come to accept it.

At any rate, I know I will have to go there next year and I am glad my school system shared with us in advance instead of springing it on us next August.  (I know you've all been to one of THOSE meetings!)

One of the things they have told teachers to do in advance is to ready the kids for the change over. They want the students to understand and use the system before it starts, so we have been asked to begin using a common language based on the standards rubric.  It is a 4 point scale ranging from 1 (no or little understanding) to 4 (mastery).  We are to ask the kids to self assess after lessons using this scale.

I thought about how to make this whole thing work without spending a ton of time or causing even more confusion, so I decided my kids needed a visual of the rubric.  I made a chart that serves both as a reminder of what the scale means and as a reminder for me to actually use it.

I must admit that it has been very helpful for the kids and for me.  Sometimes I use it as an exit ticket and have the kids write their number of understanding and a quick sentence explaining why they chose it.  Sometimes I just have kids hold up their fingers to show me their number.  In any case, I get a quick overview of how the class feels about their understanding the concept or the lesson.

I also made small, quarter sheet copies for the kids to keep in their desks and to share at home.  If you would like a copy of the rubric (it is in both color and black and white), click on the picture:)

And if you have any advice to share to make our transition any easier - please leave a comment!  I need all the help I can get!
A free, visual self assessment rubric to help students communicate understanding.
Clip art by

1 comment

  1. I love your posters and the idea of having a smaller one in their desk and one to send home. I'm going to try to start using something like this with my kinders second semester...which is next week! :-)

